Wanna join play?

Giphy Source: Jay Sprogell


Co-Founder: Senior Machine Learning/Computer Vision Specialist (f/m/d)

Important note: If “early-stage”, “hands-on” and “salary later” don’t put you off – and you even have a founder mindset with or without founding experience – then read on.
Because only one thing is certain with a start-up like ours at the moment: the big technical challenge and the associated risk.

If that’s not a problem for you: you are very welcome to join us.

Join “play” – our deep learning video platform

play is, in a nutshell, about the beaming of emotions via video. The most beautiful medium to capture emotions, to share and beam them around the world.

The situation: 85% of traffic on the Internet is video.
Video is the most versatile medium of our time – from sport to self-expression, dating, reminiscence, analysis, job applications, etc.
In short: video is our global, universal language.
On our platform, we develop and collect the SOTA algorithms that orchestrate themselves to create, analyze videos with unprecedented simplicity and enrich with new creative possibilities.
Whether professional creators, production companies or smartphone owner.
Already today, our first customers can save up to 75% in costs and over 80% in editing time.
Our goal for 2030: every second minute of video will be produced via our platform.

Which is a beautiful but demanding challenge and has already been described as a first-time ascent. That’s why we are looking for an expert who is interested in the topics “Video, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and perhaps – also music, sports and art.”
But also to build and lead your own team – creating together, here in beautiful Saalbach (Austria) and remotely, a pretty ambitious holarchic platform for AI-video creation.

You will work on our existing Machine Learning platform:

  • Object tracking & detection & labeling in video streams
  • Object re-identification across video streams
  • Improve Pan & Scan, Zooming
  • Train and re-train custom models & leverage off-the-shelf models
  • Use cutting edge technologies & neural nets to improve video quality and resolution

Skills required:

  • Strong Python3 skills
  • Knowledge in OpenCV2
  • FFMPEG compression & Parameter-Tuning
  • Knowledge in pyTorch & Object trackers (such as YOLO)
  • General knowledge in CV algorithms (SORT, SRUNET, ..)
  • Containers (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • AWS Services (S3, Lambda, SageMaker, Elastic Transcode/MediaConvert)

Optional, but desired skills:

  • Microservices
  • Airflow
  • boto3

What we offer:

  • a place on our cap table
  • or virtual shares
  • and a new way of organisation (look down)

Interested? Great. 

Please get back to us: hannes@play-tracks.com


Fields of activity

In the first step, you and your team move on with our platform and further develop it together with our AI-co-developers.

Computer Vision
You teach cameras how to see, identify and track, so that the software knows what to do.

The biggest technical challenges in a nutshell:

  • Translation of cinematic processes into digital workflows and automate them
  • Digital imaging of human activities (camera movements, focus)
  • Orchestration of SOTA ML-models
  • Super accurate tracking and identification with low latencies
  • Synchronization of data feeds from 2 to 10 cameras
  • Comprehensive image analysis and action detection
  • Optimization of latency, cloud-infrastructure and -costs
  • Set up the complete video pipeline from system setup, post-production to distribution of the finished video

            Our Workflow

            We organize ourselves on our own responsibility, based on what everyone wants and can contribute.
            In other words, you can define your own role, what you want to do and from where.
            You can set up your own team, invite the people who you want to work with.

            Leadership is a major topic nowadays. Also for us. With the difference, that we believe in self-responsibility and ownership. That’s why we will build play like an organism. In which you describe your role, your contribution, take responsibility for it, decide who fits into the team, and therefore you shape play as a co-creator.

            Your contribution

            You feel like true innovation instead of trendy talking about, and you can imagine being part of something completely new (technical and entrepreneurial). Maybe video is even one of your passions and you enjoy outdoor sports. And perhaps you were a founder yourself and know what it takes to grow a business.

            You enjoy developing roadmaps from marketability to scaling. You are fluent in plain, clear language, no matter which tongue – ideally English or German.

            Self-responsibility and clarity are essential in the organism play. You can always learn something new in this respect. And – we rely on collaboration – so that the greater good can reach its full size. It would be great if you live in Europe or the DACH region – no matter where you originally come from.

            Even better: you are located in Vienna.


            Short about us

            We have a great vision, which we would like to share with you – also via shares.

            play means for us: playing with SOTA technologies, discovering and developing new possibilities playfully, creating with joy and together (see also Homo Ludens).

            We work when, where and as long as we want. Remote, in the garden, in the office, on the mountain “Zwölferkogel” here in Saalbach (where our prototype system will be built); in jogging or cycling-shorts, when we sit down in the cable car together to think or go downhill, e-biking and so on. 

            We make the difference between work (compulsion) and creation (joy).
            Because creating is the most efficient and joyful way for us to move something. 

            We believe in impact (pull), not pressure (push).

            And with play we not only develop new technologies, but also a new, contemporary form of mindful corporate culture and collaborative self-management. Open for the global community of creators and coders to contribute their models and algorithms on out platform – to participiate also in revenues. We call it “together industries.”

            Sounds exciting?

            That’s awesome. If not? Maybe you have an idea of your own how you can get involved with us. Either way – we would be happy to talk to you. Because we can imagine that you have one or the other question, we’d love to clarify during a first and easy chat.

            We are looking forward to hearing from you.

            Hannes & Felix
